Group of Advanced Treatment & Resource Recovery | ATRR
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
> Membrane-based processes for efficient desalination and wastewater reuse
> Advanced membrane materials for water treatment
You can find all of Wei Cheng's publications on research gate
2019.07-至今 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 助理研究员
2014.09-2019.07 哈尔滨工业大学 市政工程 博士
指导老师: 马军院士
2016.11-2018.11 耶鲁大学 环境工程 联合培养博士
指导老师: Prof. Menachem Elimelech
2012.09-2014.07 哈尔滨工业大学 建筑与土木工程 硕士
指导老师: 马军院士
2008.09-2012.07 哈尔滨工程大学 材料化学 学士
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金 过氧化物强化控制反渗透膜生物污染的效能与界面作用机制研究
项目负责人 (2021-2023年)
国家重点研发计划 高浓废润滑油破乳聚并-精细蒸馏-催化加氢关键技术与示范
子课题负责人 (2020-2022年)
国家重点研发计划 抗污染高通量反渗透膜及组件研制
Cheng W.; Xu H.; Wang P.; Wang L.; Szymczyk A.; Croué JP.; Zhang T.* Modification Mechanism of Polyamide Reverse Osmosis Membrane by Persulfate: Roles of Hydroxyl and Sulfate Radicals. Environmental Science & Technology 2022. (DOI 10.1021/acs.est.2c00952)
Wang, P.; Li, J.*; Zhang, X.; Lu, X.; Liu, Q.; Zhang, T.; Cheng W.*; Ma, J., Utilization of Bidirectional Cation Transport in a Thin Film Composite Membrane: Selective Removal and Reclamation of Ammonium from Synthetic Digested Sludge Centrate via an Osmosis-Distillation Hybrid Membrane Process. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, (16), 10313-10322.
Cheng W.; Lu, X.; Kaneda, M.; Zhang, W.; Bernstein, R.; Ma, J.*; Elimelech, M.*, Graphene Oxide-Functionalized Membranes: The Importance of Nanosheet Surface Exposure for Biofouling Resistance. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, (1), 517-526.
Cheng W.; Ma, J.; Zhang, X.*; Elimelech, M.*, Sub-1 μm Free-Standing Symmetric Membrane for Osmotic Separations. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2019, 6, (8), 492-498.
Cheng W.; Lu, X.*; Yang, Y.; Jiang, J.; Ma, J.*, Influence of composition and concentration of saline water on cation exchange behavior in forward osmosis desalination. Water Research 2018, 137, 9-17.
Cheng W.; Liu, C.; Tong, T.; Epsztein, R.; Sun, M.; Verduzco, R.; Ma, J.*; Elimelech, M.*, Selective removal of divalent cations by polyelectrolyte multilayer nanofiltration membrane: Role of polyelectrolyte charge, ion size, and ionic strength. Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 559, 98-106.
Wang, P.#; Cheng W.#; Zhang, X.; Liu, Q.; Li, J.*; Ma, J.; Zhang, T.*, Membrane Scaling and Wetting in Membrane Distillation: Mitigation Roles Played by Humic Substances. Environmental Science & Technology 2022.
Zhang, W.*; Cheng W.; Tufa, R. A.; Liu, C.*; Aili, D.; Chanda, D.; Chang, J.; Wang, S.; Zhang, Y.; Ma, J., Studies on Anion Exchange Membrane and Interface Properties by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: The Role of pH. Membranes 2021, 11, (10).
Song, D.; Zhang, W.; Cheng W.; Jia, B.; Wang, P.; Sun, Z.; Ma, J.*; Zhai, X.; Qi, J.; Liu, C.*, Micro fine particles deposition on gravity-driven ultrafiltration membrane to modify the surface properties and biofilm compositions: Water quality improvement and biofouling mitigation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 393.
Song, D.; Liu, C.; Sun, Z.; Liu, Q.; Wang, P.; Sun, S.; Cheng W.; Qiu, L.; Ma, J.*; Qi, J.*, Tailoring the distribution of microbial communities and gene expressions to achieve integrating nitrogen transformation in a gravity-driven submerged membrane bioreactor. Water Research 2020, 187.
Liu, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Cheng W.; Zhang, T.*, Targeted reclaiming cationic dyes from dyeing wastewater with a dithiocarbamate-functionalized material through selective adsorption and efficient desorption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2020, 579, 766-777.
Liu, C.*; Song, D.; Zhang, W.; He, Q.; Huangfu, X.; Sun, S.; Sun, Z.; Cheng W.; Ma, J.*, Constructing zwitterionic polymer brush layer to enhance gravity-driven membrane performance by governing biofilm formation. Water Research 2020, 168, 115181.
Sun, M.; Boo, C.; Shi, W.; Rolf, J.; Shaulsky, E.; Cheng W.; Plata, D. L.; Qu, J.; Elimelech, M.*, Engineering Carbon Nanotube Forest Superstructure for Robust Thermal Desalination Membranes. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, (36).
Lu, X.; Feng, X.; Yang, Y.; Jiang, J.; Cheng W.; Liu, C.; Gopinadhan, M.; Osuji, C. O.; Ma, J.*; Elimelech, M.*, Tuning the permselectivity of polymeric desalination membranes via control of polymer crystallite size. Nature Communications 2019, 10, (1).
Li, M.; Wang, X.; Porter, C. J.; Cheng W.; Zhang, X.*; Wang, L.; Elimelech, M.*, Concentration and Recovery of Dyes from Textile Wastewater Using a Self-Standing, Support-Free Forward Osmosis Membrane. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, (6), 3078-3086.
Kaneda, M.; Lu, X.*; Cheng W.; Zhou, X.; Bernstein, R.; Zhang, W.; Kimura, K.; Elimelech, M.*, Photografting Graphene Oxide to Inert Membrane Materials to Impart Antibacterial Activity. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2019, 6, (3), 141-147.
Guan, Y.-F.; Marcos-Hernández, M.; Lu, X.; Cheng W.; Yu, H.-Q.*; Elimelech, M.*; Villagrán, D.*, Silica Removal Using Magnetic Iron–Aluminum Hybrid Nanomaterials: Measurements, Adsorption Mechanisms, and Implications for Silica Scaling in Reverse Osmosis. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, (22), 13302-13311.
Zhang, W.; Cheng W.; Ziemann, E.; Be’er, A.; Lu, X.; Elimelech, M.; Bernstein, R.*, Functionalization of ultrafiltration membrane with polyampholyte hydrogel and graphene oxide to achieve dual antifouling and antibacterial properties. Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 565, 293-302.
Epsztein, R.; Cheng W.; Shaulsky, E.; Dizge, N.; Elimelech, M.*, Elucidating the mechanisms underlying the difference between chloride and nitrate rejection in nanofiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 548, 694-701.
Dizge, N.; Epsztein, R.; Cheng W.; Porter, C. J.; Elimelech, M.*, Biocatalytic and salt selective multilayer polyelectrolyte nanofiltration membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 549, 357-365.
Wang, Z.-H.; Cheng W.; Liu, C.-H.; Ma, J.; Zhang, W.-J.*; Li, J., Diffuse-In/Condense-Out Behavior of Glycerol Induces Formation of Composite Membranes with Uniform Pores. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2016, 301, (1), 36-41.
Wang, Z.-H.; Cheng W.; Liu, C.-H.; Ma, J.; Zhang, W.-J.*; Li, J., Diffuse-In/Condense-Out Behavior of Glycerol Induces Formation of Composite Membranes with Uniform Pores. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2016, 301, (1), 36-41.
Wang, Z.-H.; Cheng W.; Liu, C.-H.; Ma, J.*; Li, J., Condensed Low-Volatile Alcohol Droplet-Directed Uniform Pore Formation on Polystyrene Films. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2015, 216, (15), 1638-1645.
Wang, Z.; Cheng W.; Ma, J.*, Seeding nuclei for the phase-separation of cellulose acetate solution. Journal of Membrane Science 2015, 489, 129-134.
Wang, Z.; Cheng W.; Ma, J.*; Wang, P., Condensed solute droplets templated honeycomb pattern on polymer films. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2014, 436, 16-18.